Shixu Meng
Applied and Computational Mathematics, Inverse Problem, Data Science
Apply complex data to address interdisciplinary challenges spanning science, engineering, and technology
Recent Papers
Preconditioning low rank Generalized Minimal Residual Method (GMRES) for implicit discretizations of matrix differential equations, preprint (with D Appelo, and Y Cheng)
Exploring low rank structures in inverse scattering, preprint (with Y Zhou, L Audibert, and B Zhang)
Linear sampling method for time domain inverse scattering problems with random sources, preprint (with Xiaoli Liu, J Tian, and B Zhang)
A Kernel machine learning for inverse source and scattering problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 62 (2024), no. 3, pp. 1443–1464 (with B. Zhang)
Plug-and-play analytical paradigm for the scattering of plane waves by “layer-cake” periodic systems, Proc. R. Soc. A. 480 (2024), no. 2294, 2024118 (with P Salasiya and B Guzina)
Shape and parameter identification by the linear sampling method for a restricted Fourier integral operator, Inverse Problems 40 (2024), 095007, 30pp (with L. Audibert)
Data-driven Basis for Reconstructing the Contrast in Inverse Scattering: Picard Criterion, Regularity, Regularization, and Stability, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 83. (5), 2003-2026 (2023)
Single Mode Multi-frequency Factorization Method for the Inverse Source Problem in Acoustic Waveguides, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 83. (2), 394-417 (2023)
Data completion algorithms and their applications in inverse acoustic scattering with limited-aperture backscattering data, Journal of Computational Mathematics 469, 111550 (2022) (with F.Dou, X. Liu, and B. Zhang)
Asymptotic anatomy of the Berry phase for scalar waves in 2D periodic continua, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 478, 2262, (2022) (with B. Guzina and O. Oudghiri-Idrissi)